Symbol Attribute Description
Georgia Local Trees that are local to Georgia.
Bee Friendly Trees that are friendly to bees.
Coniferous Trees whose color stays the same all year round.
Deciduous Trees that lose their leaves in the fall.
Pyramidal Body Trees that are shaped like pyramids.
Concial Body Trees that are shaped like cones.
Columnar Body Trees that are shaped like columns.
Spreading Body Trees that spread or fan out.
Vase-shaped Body Trees that are shaped like a vase.
Broad Body Trees that are broadly shapes.
Rounded Body Trees that are round shaped.
Alternate Leaf Attachment Trees whose leaves are attached alternatingly.
Opposite Leaf Attachment Trees whose leaves are attached opposite on another.
Whorled Leaf Attachment Trees whose leaves are attached in a whorled, twisted pattern.
Needle Leaf Conifers Trees whose leaves have needle-like edges.
Scale Leaf Conifers Trees whose leaves have wavy edges.
Untoothed Simple Leaf Trees whose leaves are simply shaped and smooth.
Toothed Simple Leaf Trees whose leaves are simply shaped just jagged.
Red Flowers Trees that have red flowers.
Green Flowers Trees that produce green flowers.
Olive Flowers Trees that produce olive colored flowers.
Yellow Flowers Trees that produce yellow flowers.
Cream Flowers Trees that produce cream flowers.
White Flowers Trees that produce white flowers.
Pink Flowers Trees that produce pink flowers.
Purple Flowers Trees that produce purple flowers.
Cone Trees that produce cones.
Keys Trees that produce keys.
Pods Trees that produce pods.
Balls Trees that produce balls.
Acorns Trees that produce acorns.
Nuts Trees that produce nuts.
Berrry-like Trees that produce berries.
Fleshy Fruit Trees that produce fleshy fruit.
Red Fall Leaves Trees whose leaves turn red in the fall.
Orange Fall Leaves Trees whose leaves turn orange in the fall.
Yellow Fall Leaves Trees whose leaves turn yellow in the fall.
Medicinal Trees that are used to make medicine.
Musical Instruments Trees that are used to create musical instruments.
Tools Trees that are used to create tools.